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European UNLOOC Chips JU Project


Since May 2024 the INNOPharma Platform proudly participates as validation partner in the European UNLOOC Chips JU Project, a large public-private consortium with 51 partners in 10 countries. Follow the journey of this 3-year project which develops Organ-on-Chips technologies for drug development, aiming to advance early drug discovery, ADME-Tox, and preclinical studies. Subscribe to the project LinkedIn feed https://www.linkedin.com/company/unlooc-chips-ju-project/ to stay tuned with the latest developments.

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BioFarma group, awarded at the GCiencia Galicia Spin-off Awards.


The Biofarma group of the USC was recognized with the GCiencia Galicia Spin-Off, which since 2015 distinguishes the most innovative university research and transfer initiatives. university research and transfer initiatives.
In the category of Research Groups, the award went to the BioFarma group, led by researcher Mabel Loza. The jury especially valued the fact that the group is led by a woman, highlighting the growing role of women in science and research in Galicia. by a woman, highlighting the growing role of women in science and research in Galicia.


Xornal USC
Diario de Santiago

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Mabel Loza receives the Alba de Compostela award in the Teatro Principal.


PhD Mabel Loza received the award on Thursday 25th July from the spokespersons of the four political parties represented in the Pazo de Raxoi in this new Alba de Compostela awards ceremony.
Alba de Compostela is a municipal distinction created last year by the mayoress Goretti Sanmartín.


El Correo Gallego

La Voz de Galicia El Español

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Mabel Loza becomes a Corresponding Member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy

Mabel Loza becomes a Corresponding Member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy.
The act of possession took place yesterday, January 30, 2024, at the #Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, where Professor Juan Tamargo Menéndez sponsored the entrance of Mabel Loza who delivered the lecture "Pharmacology and drug discovery for a new era".

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Nephrology research prizes of the Fundación Real Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo


his Monday our coordinator, Mabel Loza, attended the award ceremony of the nephrology research prizes of the Fundación Real Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo whose jury is chaired by.
Congratulations to the award winners and to the Foundation for its admirable work for more than forty years.

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BioFarma Group | CIMUS Building, Avenida Barcelona S/N, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña | Tel: 881 815 459 | Email: biofarma.group@usc.es|