B. Functional Materials of Technological Interest

This research line clusters scientific investigations that are aimed at the discovery of new organic, inorganic and metallo-organic materials with unique properties, as well as their application in the development of technological devices. It focuses especially on the implementation of biomedical applications as well as in the design of new molecular electronic and energetic technologies.


AB Quiñoá / Fernández-Megía / Estévez
Helical Polymers: Sensors and Nanostructures (video)
Nanostructures:  Biomedical Applications (video)
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Novel Applications in Biological Chemistry and Material Sciences
B Rivadulla
Chemistry of Condensed Matter: Magnetism and Nanotechnology (video)
Thermoelectrics Based on 2-D Nanostructures of Correlated Oxides
B Giménez-López

Multifunctional Metal-Carbon Hybrid Nanostructures for Spintronics and Energy-related Applications

ERC - StG "NANOCOMP": Complex Dynamics of Clusters in High-Aspect Ratio Hollow Nanostructures

B del Pino / Pelaz

Functional Nanoestructured Materials: Tools for Biomedical Applications

B Lazzari
Polymers: a Tool for Manufacturing Nanomaterials
EU Project "NanoRestART": NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (video)
B Guitián / Pérez / Peña
Synthetic methodology based on aryne chemistry (video1)
Bottom-up approach to graphene materials (video2 & video3)
B Souto

Electroactive Molecular Materials (ElectroMolMat)
ERC-StG ELECTROCOFS: Molecular Design of Electrically Conductive Covalent Organic Frameworks as Efficient Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries