Beatriz Orosa Puente
Ramón y Cajal Researcher
Beatriz carried out her PhD studies in Plant Molecular Biology at the University of Barcelona, under the supervision of Dr. M. Coca and Prof. B. San Segundo (CRAG). During her PhD, she carried out a predoctoral stay at the Institute of Health Research in Santiago de Compostela, working in human autoimmunity.
After receiving her PhD, she moved to Prof. Ari Sadanandom’s group (Durham University). In 2018, she started a second postdoctoral period working at Prof Steven Spoel’s group (University of Edinburgh).
Recently, she joined the group of Prof. J. L. Mascareñas at CiQUS (University of Santiago de Compostela) as “Ramón y Cajal” fellow.
Her research is focused on understanding how plant immune responses are regulated by ubiquitination, willing to exploiting this knowledge to produce disease resistant barley through proteome engineering.