Granja / Montenegro / García-Fandiño

Líneas de investigación

Química Supramolecular: manipulación de la materia a escala nanométrica para la preparación de nanotubos peptídicos autoensamblados y el control de sus propiedades funcionales. (vídeo)
Química Biológica: empleamos la química para preparar moléculas capaces de transportar ADN, ARN y proteínas al interior celular para terapia génica.
Biología sintética: aplicamos la química al estudio del origen de la vida y la transición de la química a la biología como uno de los grandes enigmas de la ciencia.

Investigador(es) principal(es)

Profesor de Investigación Oportunius

Miembros del grupo

Bergueiro Álvarez, Julián

Inv. Ramón y Cajal

Sánchez Fernández, Adrián

Inv. Ramón y Cajal

Bayón Fernández, Alfonso

Inv. Postdoctoral

Calvelo Souto, Martín

Inv. Postdoctoral

Fuertes García, Alberto

Inv. Postdoctoral

Juanes Carrasco, Mª Luisa

Inv. Postdoctoral

Lostalé Seijo, Irene

Inv. Postdoctoral

Paiva da Silva Leitão, María Inés

Inv. Postdoctoral

Quemé Peña, Mayra Maritza

Inv. Postdoctoral

Salluce, Giulia

Inv. Postdoctoral

Aguilleiro Beraza, Amaia

Inv. Predoctoral

Antelo Riveiro, Paula

Inv. Predoctoral

Blanco González, Alexandre

Inv. Predoctoral

Bordallo León, Fernando

Inv. Predoctoral

Cabezón Vizoso, Alfonso

Inv. Predoctoral

Conde Torres, Daniel

Inv. Predoctoral

Díaz Arias, Sandra Natalia

Inv. Predoctoral

Fiel Baña, Alejandro

Inv. Predoctoral

Folgar Cameán, Yeray

Inv. Predoctoral

Fulías Guzmán, Patricia

Inv. Predoctoral

López Corbalán, María Victoria

Inv. Predoctoral

Mackay Anderson, Amelia

Inv. Predoctoral

Martínez Parra, José María

Inv. Predoctoral

Máximo Moreno, Irene

Inv. Predoctoral

Méndez Gómez, Lucía

Inv. Predoctoral

No Gómez, Miguel

Inv. Predoctoral

Pérez Pérez, Manuel

Inv. Predoctoral

Saho, Kaddy

Inv. Predoctoral

Seco Gonzalez, Alejandro

Inv. Predoctoral

Serantes Otero, Sergio

Inv. Predoctoral

Suárez Lestón, Fabián

Inv. Predoctoral

Torrón Celada, Alba María

Inv. Predoctoral

Troncoso Mondragón, Ezequiel

Inv. Predoctoral

Vilela Picos, Marcos

Inv. Predoctoral

Paz Gómez, Sonia

Personal técnico

Rodríguez Pérez, Diego

Personal técnico

Lago Rama, Patricia

Personal de administración

Amorín López, Manuel

Inv. colaborador

Rodriguez Maqueda, Elena María

Personal de soporte de laboratorio


One of the great challenges of modern synthetic organic chemistry it is the construction of complex structures with a precise control of its three-dimensional shape, functional groups and components in a reduced time and number of steps, through a low cost and environmentally friendly way.

From our point of view, the efficient and precise construction of these complex structures can only be achieved through molecular self-assembly processes. These strategies provide structures (supramolecular complexes) that are beyond the molecule, in which specially designed small molecules are joined together by non-covalent bonds, such as hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds, van der Waals, etc. Organometallic and coordination chemistry can also play a key role in these processes derived form their unique ability to organize around the metal center different molecules (ligands) with a variety of geometries. Additionally, they also allow the preparation of novel catalysts for the development of new chemical transformations.

On the other hand, these supramolecular structures can be used as "intelligent" materials that form the active species only under some specific conditions, i. e. at the membrane of a bacteria or of a tumor cell. Similarly to their natural counterparts (the antimicrobial peptides), these synthetic antimicrobial / antitumoral mimetics could be built from simpler components with low toxicity, and act by a molecular self-assembly process at the bacteria or tumor cell membrane, disrupting its properties and causing its death. A detailed understanding of the molecular details of the membrane permeabilization process would allow the rational design of new molecules with the same mechanism of action, but with improved activity, selectivity, and bioavailability. In that sense, computational multi-level simulations may provide the necessary bridges to achieve a complete understanding of the interaction processes.

In 2017, a project lead by Dr. Montenegro has been the recipient of one of the prestigious and highly competitive Young Investigators Grants awarded by the Human Frontier Science Program. These Grants support novel collaborations among teams of scientists working in different countries. Thus, Dr. Montenegro will share his grant with the collaborators Neal Devaraj (University of California, San Diego, USA) and Toshihide Takeuchi (Osaka University, Suita, Japan). The three-year funding supports the team to work on a project titled “Fully synthetic self-regulated cytoskeleton” (RGY0066/2017).


Additionally, Javier Montenegro has obtained in 2015 the ERC Starting Grant, the most prestigious support in Europe for young scientists, in recognition of his project "Dynamic Cell Penetrating Peptides" (DYNAP).

The aim of DYNAP is to identify, at the molecular level, the minimal topological and structural motifs that govern the membrane translocation of short peptides. A covalent reversible bond strategy will be developed for the synthesis of self-adaptive penetrating peptides (adaptamers) for targeted delivery.



Watch video "Peptide Nanotubes as Supramolecular drugs"

Watch video "α,γ-Peptide Nanotubes: a Computational Study"

The peptide nanotubes are a new class ofsupramolecular biomaterials formed by stacking cyclic peptides. These peptides are designed to adopt a planar conformation, disc or ring shape, in which all the amide groups of the peptide backbone (carbonyl and NH) are perpendicularly oriented to the plane of the ring. This conformation facilitate the formation of hydrogen bonds with other cyclic peptide subunits. In addition, all amino acid side chains are outwards projected modifying the surface characteristics of the tubular assembly. Therefore the nanotube formation can be achieved in different media and conditions with a precise control of their inner diameter. For the construction of these materials, the designed molecules contain the structural information that determines the conditions that lead to the nanotube formation and their properties.

One of the characteristics of nanotubes we are working in our research group, which makes them especially unique, is the option to modify its internal properties. This modification is achieved by the use of cyclic gamma-amino acids. The internal cavities of the nanotubes are 1-D world and, therefore, the molecules located inside the nanotube have different properties. All these characteristics should allow the efficient construction of peptide nanotubes with novel properties.



  Representations of the interactions of peptide nanotubes with the lipid bilayers.

This design control of both the internal and external characteristics of the nanotubes opens the opportunity, among others, to explore specific applications such nanotubes that interact with lipid membranes. Peptide nanotubes forming transmembrane channels efficiently transport alkaline ions, while other are parallel arranged to the lipid bilayer that destroy cellular membranes. We are studying this latter property in order to design new cytotoxic agents.

Recently we have also shown the formation of hybrid nanotubes (carbon/peptide) that combine the electronic properties and hardness of carbon nanotubes with the biocompatibility of the peptidic components.

Proposed model of coupling between SCPNs and SWCNTs.  Proposed model of coupling between peptide nanotubes (SCPNs) and carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), JACS, 2014, 136.


Finally, we have developed a “DNA artificial nose” that allows the qualitative identification (smelling) of a variety of polynucleotides with single nucleobase resolution. The strategy is based on the amplification of differences in transmembrane transport properties across the membrane of a supramolecular complex formed by the oligonucleotide and designed transporter (Small, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/SMLL20140068).



Watch video "Taking genetic engineering & therapy to the next level"

The plasma membrane is a dynamic barrier critical for the compartmentalization of biological processes and cellular homeostasis. However, the membrane barrier can be a formidable obstacle for the delivery of some probes and/or complex therapeutics, especially large macromolecules. Therefore, the development of novel strategies to cross the lipid bilayer and reach the cytosol of the cell is of great importance. One of the main goals of our group is the development of new carriers, by using dynamic covalent chemistry for the straightforward incorporation of hydrophobic tails to amphiphilic molecules. This methodology has been applied to polymers and peptides and has been successful for the delivery in several cell lines of interference RNA (siRNA), plasmids, or Cas9 ribonucleoprotein of the CRISPR system.

Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery using peptides modified with hydrophobic tails via a hydrazone bond. The disruption of the eGFP gene in HeLa cells constitutively expressing the fluorescent protein is illustrated


Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 7492; J. Mater. Chem. B., 2017, 5, 4426; Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 7923; Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 10689; Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19, 2638



The control and manipulation of matter at the nanometric scale is one of the major goals of nowadays science. Along these lines, self-assembly of small monomers provides a great opportunity to generate nanometric structures with controlled topology and assembly dynamics. In this regard, our research group has experience with the synthesis of cyclic peptides and their assembly into nanotubes, and the development of hybrid carbon nanotubes-peptide structures. We are currently applying this experience to the creation of new peptide-based hybrid nanomaterials and to the development of self-assembling systems that mimic the cellular cytoskeleton.

Examples of self-assembling peptide nanostructures: pH-triggered self-assembly of cyclic peptides confined inside water droplets (top) and linear peptide modifications that cause fibrillation


J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 2484; Nanoscale Horiz., 2018, 3, 391; Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 1984


So far, the fields of infectious diseases and cancer have not been extensively linked. However, the scientific research surrounding both cancer and infectious disease leaves increasingly clear that these different fields are more connected than ever. One of the intersection points between both diseases is the lipid membrane composition of the pathogen cells involved. One strategy proposed is the use of bacterial or cancer cell membranes as a therapeutic target so that their basic properties are perturbed, altering the membrane potential and inhibiting the control functions on the signaling, communication or production bioenergy processes.

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), also known as host defense peptides, represent an essential part of the human immune system of virtually all organisms due to their broad spectrum activity against a wide range of pathogens, like bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In an effort to understand how they work, and under the project supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the ERDF (RTI2018-098795-A-I00), we are currently developing a database of Molecular Dynamics simulations of a number of natural AMPs and different lipid composition, modeling bacteria or tumor cells. This database (Supepmem, will be used to extract dynamic descriptors containing mechanistic information to be analyzed by Machine Learning algorithms. The main objective of this project is to develop the first generation of antitumoral / antimicrobial agents designed from 'hyper-predictive' methods based on Molecular Dynamics simulations.

An alternative to lytic peptides involves the use of “intelligent” materials that form the active species only under some specific conditions, such as upon contact with tumor cell membrane, pH change or cancer receptor mediated answer. These synthetic antitumoral / antimicrobial peptidomimetics can be built from simpler components with low toxicity, acting by a process of molecular self-assembly at the cell membrane of the tumor cell. During the last years, and using multiscale simulations, we have been studying the structure and dynamics of different cyclic peptides developed by the group in different environments, including the presence of a lipid membrane.

Thus, combining the power of ex-vivo, in-silico and in-vitro methods focused to the membrane and its interaction with different biomolecules, we plan to give a strong knock on the cells door (



The relationship between art and science has existed for a long time and now, with the digital revolution, it is speeding up. New forms of expression are appearing almost every day, leveraging the combined power of the rigorous scientific approach with the subjectivity and experimentalism of creative arts. These advances have allowed to introduce Science easier to more people, facilitating also the teaching process.

In our group, we have also tried to contribute to demolishing the wall between science and art, creating tools for real dissemination of scientific results using state-of-the-art visualization technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Some examples are Ollomol for Captisol AR, Ollomol for Captisol VR, DimerDice, CoronaVRus coaster, NanotubAR, etc… all of them freely available for iOS and/or Android devices. All these tools have been developed in collaboration of our spin-off, MD.USE Innovations (, created in 2015 from the results of our research group.