Ignacio Insua López

+34 8818 15744
ignacio.insua.lopez [at] usc.es
Research group: 
Ramón y Cajal Researcher

Ignacio Insua obtained his degree in Pharmacy from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom, 2017) under the supervision of Dr. Francisco Fernández-Trillo. His PhD thesis was focussed on the development of antimicrobial nanoparticles obtained by supramolecular self-assembly of polymers and peptides. He did a first postdoctoral stay at the University of Melbourne (Australia) in the group of Prof. Greg Qiao, and a second postdoc with Prof. Javier Montenegro (CiQUS-USC), supported by highly competitive programmes (Juan de la Cierva, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions e Ramón y Cajal).

In early 2023, Ignacio established his own research lab focussed on the rational design and synhtesis of peptides as supramolecular monomers for nanomaterial fabrication. His research targets different biomedical applications, including cytotoxic nanostructures as antimicrobials and antitumoral agents, and the fabrication of minimal synthetic cells (protocells). In 2024, Ignacio received the support of the European Reseach Council with a Starting Grant to develop new- generation supramolecular antibiotics.