Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships: Expression of Interest 2023


We support excellent candidates willing to join us


CiQUS seeks outstanding researchers to apply for MSCA-2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF). We offer cutting-edge research Groups and specialized support for the applications.

Applications from female researchers will be prioritized

Selected candidates will be invited to carry out a one-week stay at CiQUS, working together with the Host PI and support staff to submit a competitive application for MSCA-2023-PF.


Can you apply for MSCA-2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship? 

At the time of the Call deadline, 13th September 2023, the researchers: 

  • should have a PhD degree (successfully defended the doctoral thesis).

  • must have a maximum of 8 years research experience (career breaks will not count).

  • European Fellowship: must not have lived/worked in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.

  • Global Fellowship: must not have lived/worked in the country of the Outgoing Phase for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.

Please find here a brief about general conditions, elegibility and the 2 types of grants.



About the CiQUS

Starting in 2011, CiQUS address challenges in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, New functional Materials and Synthetic Technologies.

Our 18 research groups obtained an average of 8 MEUR/year (2020-2022) in competitive funds, achieving an average Impact Factor of 8.64 (JCR, 2020-2021). 

We have secured 11 ERC projects (including 4 ERC-PoC), as well as successfully supported up to 12 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in recent years.

Project idea and researcher opportunities

We welcome Expressions of Interest, and especially encourage women´s applications. To find the Supervisor that match your interests, these are the Research Areas at CiQUS:

Find below some Research Topics proposed by our host supervisors

Expressions of Interest

Send one PDF file to [at] (subject: MSCA-2023), by 1st June 2023, including: 

1.- A short CV (max 2 pages), with your ORCID, Scopus or ResearcherID profile.

2.- A Letter of Interest including a summary of your project idea (max. 2 pages).

Expression of Interests will be pre-selected on the basis of their quality and the CV.

Reseach Topics

Supervisor: María Giménez

The development of electrocatalysts for the production of clean and sustainable energy that are not only highly-active but also extremely durable is a great challenge. Electrochemical technologies heavily rely on rare, ‘endangered’ chemical elements, such as Pt, scarcity of which is creating a bottle-neck for future technological progress.

While the catalytic activity of metals is maximized using carbon supports that enhance metals’ dispersion and provide good electrical contact, useful lifespan of any, including state of the art electrocatalysts, is ultimately limited by durability of metal nanoparticles that gradually become dissolved, detached, poisoned or deactivated.

Through electrocatalyst confinement, we are interested on developing new strategies to increase life spam of non-precious based electrocatalyst for production of green hydrogen and the development of bifunctional air electrodes for metal-air batteries.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 21375-21383

Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 9706-9712

ChemSusChem, 2021, 19, 4973-4984

Adv. Mater., 2016, 28, 41, 9103

Supervisor: Félix Freire

We are looking for a researcher with a strong background in catalysis or organic synthesis to work in a multidisciplinary project using dynamic chiral materials based on helical polymers as chiral catalyst.

The main goal of the project is to prepare a helical polymer that act as chiral catalyst. Variations on the helical sense of the polymer (axial chirality) induced by external stimuli such as temperature or solvents among others, should produce variations on the stereoselectivity of a certain reaction when the polymer acts as chiral catalyst. Therefore, by using a single chiral catalyst is possible to obtain both enantiomers by changing the helical sense of the polymer.

ANIE, 2022, 61(9), e202115070

JACS, 2021, 143(49), 20962–20969

ANIE, 2020, 59(52), 23724–23730

The ability of antibiotics to cure bacterial infectious diseases is now at serious risk due to the consequences of broad-spectrum antibiotic use on microbiome stability and pathogen resistance. The disappointing returns from this approach have triggered a big shift in the antibiotic discovery perspective to turn the attention on precision antibiotics, which address infections without damaging microbiomes or incentivizing resistance. We seek to develop new antimicrobial agents with a new mechanism of action, by selectively disabling clinically unexploited bacterial targets that have vital roles in cell viability and pathogenicity, to face the challenge of life-threatening pathogens highlighted by WHO.

The applicant will address key pathogens causing major drug resistance concerns through a rational multidisciplinary approach (organic synthesis, biochemistry, X-ray crystallography, computational studies) to promote basic research forward to clinic. We seek for motivated candidates with initiative, creativity, and team-working ability.

Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2022, 232, 114206

Front. Microbiol., 2021, 12, 721826

JACS, 2015, 137, 9333-9343

Supervisor: Eddy Sotelo

The advent of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) using therapeutic antibodies has fueled major efforts to develop conceptually novel anticancer drugs. In this context, small-molecule immuno-oncology drugs are emerging as tailored agents that can target immunosuppressive mechanisms but also to activate intracellular pathways downstream of checkpoint proteins (in innate or adaptive immune cells) or modulate cancer metabolism targets.

The aim of the project is to develop small molecule modulators of immune checkpoints in adenosinergic pathways for cancer therapy, with a focus on glioblastoma treatments. The applicant will be involved in the conceptualization and experimental validation of new drug modalities in the context of a multidisciplinary team integrated in the ERNEST and IMMUNO-model COST actions.

We are looking for a proactive, autonomous, and enthusiastic researcher practiced in medicinal chemistry approaches. Expertise in computational drug design or experimental immunology methods would be an asset.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 16536-16543

J. for ImmunoTher. Cancer, 2022, 10, e004592

J. Med. Chem. 2023, 66, 890-912

J. Med. Chem. 2021, 64, 458-480

Supervisor: Fernando López

Most metal promoted, enantioselective approaches towards many heterocycles have been based on the use of prefunctionalized substrates (e.g. organoboron, organozincs, Grignards, organic halides and pseudo halides). The invention of fully atom-economical, enantioselective approaches based on the activation of C-H bonds would represent a paradigm shift in the field. Likewise, enantioselective annulations based on the activation of C-C bonds of strained cyclic systems are also highly attractive, but clearly underdeveloped, particularly with earth-abundant, environmentally friendly first-row metals.

We are looking for highly motivated and talented candidates with PhD level expertise in transition metal catalysis and or organic synthesis to advance in this direction.

ACS Catal., 2024, 14, 2872–2882

Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 6408–6413

ANIE, 2022, 61, e202202295

ANIE, 2021, 60, 19297–19305

ANIE, 2021, 60, 8182–8188

Acc. Chem. Res., 2019, 52, 2, 465–479

Supervisor: Beatriz Pelaz

The structure and pair base correspondence of DNA can be employed for the design of tailormade nanostructures, this technique is known as DNA origami.

This technology is based on the computer assisted design of nanostructures and the corresponding DNA sequences. The precise conformation of those structures will allow to control the steric functionalization of nanoparticles.

The applicant will carry out research in the framework of the new project ERC-Starting Grant “SPACING” – (SPAtially-Controlled lIgand arraNGement by origami-based nanoprinters, 2016-2026).


ACS Nano, 2017, 11(3), 2397-2402

ChemBioChem, 2017, 18, 1873–1885

Molecules, 2021, 26, 2287

Supervisor: Pablo del Pino

The versatility and chemical flexibility of MOFs will be further complemented by inserting iNPs, including metal and metal oxide nanostructures having plasmonic, magnetic and/or photoemissive properties.

The combination of microporosity and iNP-derived properties will be exploited for theranostic applications in living cells and tissue models.

Small, 2024, Early View

Chem. Commun., 2023, 59,2869

Nanoscale, 2022, Advance Article

ACS Nano, 2021, 15,10, 16924-16933

Cell Rep. Phys. Sci., 2020, 1, 100076

ANIE, 2019, 58,7078–7082

Supervisor: Diego Peña

We are looking for a proactive, independent, and enthusiastic researcher with experience in synthetic organic chemistry and interest in molecular materials and on-surface synthesis. In more detail, the researcher is expected to carry out research in the framework of ERC Synergy Grant MolDAM (Molecular Devices by Atom Manipulation).

MolDAM is an interdisciplinary project co-led by the CiQUS PI, Prof. Diego Peña, at the USC, jointly with the specialist in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Dr Leo Gross at IBM Research (Switzerland) and Prof. Jascha Repp at the Universität Regensburg (Germany). MolDAM aims at building and controlling individual molecules through their manipulation with AFM.

Science, 2022, 377, 6603, 298-301

Adv. Mater., 2022, 2110099

ANIE, 2021, 60, 26346-26350

ANIE, 2021, 60, 25224-25229

Supervisor: Francisco Rivadulla

The goal of this project is the development of thermal switches based on molecular materials, i.e. organic flexible materials, liquid crystal mesophases, etc in which different thermal states can be induced by an external stimulus (electric field, light, etc).

The researcher is expected to develop a multidisciplinary project in molecular materials synthesis and physical properties (mechanical and thermal) of polymers and other organic materials.

Candidates are required to have experience in organic and polymer synthesis.


Interfacial Thermal Resistive Switching in (Pt,Cr)/SrTiO3 Devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 15043-15049

Mechanisms of Electrical Switching of Ultrathin CoO/Pt Bilayers. Nano Lett, 2024, 1471-1476

Interfacial Thermal Resistive Switching in (Pt,Cr)/SrTiO3 Devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 15043-15049

Light-induced bi-directional switching of thermal conductivity in azobenzene-doped liquid crystal mesophases. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, Adv. Article

Supervisor: Juan Granja

Cyclic peptides of alternating chirality are a power toll for the development of nanobiomaterials because of their biocompatibility and stability to degradation. In addition, these materials can assemble into hollow cylindrical structures under appropriate conditions.

One unique property of the resulting tubular structures is the presence of two type of surfaces (inner and outer surfaces) that can be tuned by selecting the appropriate sequence. These special properties allow us to develop peptides that can interact with specific cell organelles to trigger different biological answers.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with creativity, initiative and ability to work in a team. Experience in synthesis and Chemical Biology would be specially recommended.

ANIE, 2021, 60, 18838-18844

Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 3029-3038

ANIE, 2020, 59, 6902-6908

Supervisor: Javier Montenegro

The development of novel strategies to cross the lipid bilayer and reach the cytosol of the cell is of great importance. We develop new carriers by using dynamic covalent chemistry for the straightforward incorporation of hydrophobic tails to amphiphilic molecules. Here, the challenge is to develop new peptide vectors for nucleic acid immunotherapy.

The applicant would be involved in the biochemical characterization of novel membrane penetrating and bioactive molecules, including transfection, internalization pathways, localization, function, etc. In vivo experiments towards nucleic acids cancer inmunotherapy will be targeted in this approach.

We seek motivated candidates with initiative, creativity and team-working ability. Experience in nucleic acid-based immunotherapy will be highly considered.

Nature, 2022, 603, 637-642

RSC Chem. Biol., 2021, 2, 503-512

Nat. Rev. Chem., 2018, 2, 258-277

J. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 7923-7931

Supervisor: Eugenio Vázquez

Over the last few years, conductive peptides have emerged as an exciting technological opportunity for the development of new bio-based conductive materials, to the point that these systems are now ready to take the front seat as the basis of e-Biologics for the fabrication of sustainable green electronics.

In this context, we aim to develop a robust self-assembled fibrous peptide platform that can be easily synthesized and rationally modified to fine-tune its properties (e.g., electron or proton conductivity, stiffness, thermal stability, or rheological properties) for their applications in green electronics.

Ideally, the candidate will have a complementary background in materials science and study of conductive materials for electronics and energy applications.

Supervisor: Beatriz Orosa-Puente

In response to pathogen attack, plants initiate immune responses that are sufficient to fend off most pathogens. Ubiquitination of regulatory immune proteins is a crucial mechanism for appropriate immune activation and defence response. Ubiquitination achieves plasticity and specificity primarily through E3 ligases, which are the matchmakers in the ubiquitination cascade, responsible for substrate recognition.

This project takes a novel bio-engineering approach to characterise immune E3 ligases and the mechanisms underlying substrate specificity. A better understanding of crop defence responses and how these are modulated by ubiquitination is directly connected to our ability to control pathogen spread, and therefore is of high agronomic value and key for guaranteeing food security.

The Fellow will join a vibrant group of researchers and will gain strong interdisciplinary training. Candidates are required to have experience in biochemistry and molecular biology technologies such as genetic approaches (QPCR or cloning) and/or proteomic approaches such as western blot. and, ideally, complementary background in Protein structure or Synthetic biology.

Orosa-Puente et al. Science, 362(6421), 1407-1410 (2022)

Orosa-Puente et al. Nat Commun 9, 5185 (2018)

Sci. Adv.8, eabn4466 (2022)

Supervisor: Rafael Ramos

In this project we aim to explore spin current generation in a recently discovered new class of materials known as altermagnets [1].

Due to their specific type of symmetry, they possess properties that are akin to both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, with large spin splittings and zero net magnetic moment. Having potential for highly efficient reading/writing capabilities in spintronics applications.

The applicant would be expected to combine thin film growth of candidate materials and investigate the physical properties related to spin-dependent transport [2] and thermal generation of spin currents [3].

[1] L. Šmejkal et al. arXiv:2204.10844v1

[2] R. Ramos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 113902 (2019)

[3] R. Ramos et al. Nat. Comm. 10, 5162 (2019)

Supervisor: Ester Polo

We seek for engineering bioinspired nanomaterials that mimic the biological characteristics of components and structures of cell membranes. Nanocarriers with a surface that mimics different cellular compositions (such as leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes...) can be programmed to perform specific biological tasks such as immune escape, lymphocyte and dendritic cell activation, endothelial adhesion, and homotypic targeting. Translating cell membrane features and thus, being capable of implementing their surface properties on nanomedicines, offer exciting opportunities to fabricate next-generation biomimetic nanocarriers.

We design by self-assembly of components derived from specific cells multifunctional biomimetic nanocarriers. The nanostructure properties and functionalities can be tuned by introducing fusogenic capabilities and incorporating relevant biomolecules. We also engineer hybrid biomimetic nanostructures, which combine cell membrane components and organic or inorganic NPs to create functional nano bio-inorganic assemblies with physical (e.g., inorganic NPs) and biomimetic capabilities. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with initiative, creativity, and team-working ability. Experience in bionanointeractions will be highly considered.

J Nanobiotechnol,2024, 22, 10

Journal of Colloids and Interface Science ,2023, 648, 488

J. Nanobiotechnol.,2022, 20, 538

Advanced Biosystems,2020, 1,1900260

Bioorthogonal chemistry has enabled researchers to perform exogenous chemistry in complex biological environments and even in living cells and organisms. However, the toolbox of bioorthogonal transformations is yet very small. Thus, the incorporation of new methods of activation to promote new bioorthogonal chemistries, generate new cell reactivity patterns and introduce an external, spatial and temporal control of the reactivity, is a major relevance. These transformations might offer unpredictable opportunities to understand and manipulate cell biology and to develop novel therapeutic tools.

Specifically, the bioorthogonal catalytic activity can be used to trigger fluorescent signals (precision imaging), boost the localized synthesis of bioactive compounds (biomedicine), build metabolic networks (synthetic biology) or create catalytic cells (cellular biology).

We look for candidates with both Synthetic and Chemical Biology background to overcome the proposed challenges.

JACS, 2024, 146, 5, 2895

ANIE, 2021, 60, 22017