We support excellent candidates willing to join us
CiQUS seeks outstanding researchers to apply for MSCA-2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF). We offer cutting-edge research Groups and specialized support for the applications.
Applications from female researchers will be prioritized
Selected candidates will be invited to carry out a one-week stay at CiQUS, working together with the Host PI and support staff to submit a competitive application for MSCA-2023-PF.
Can you apply for MSCA-2023 Postdoctoral Fellowship?
At the time of the Call deadline, 13th September 2023, the researchers:
should have a PhD degree (successfully defended the doctoral thesis).
must have a maximum of 8 years research experience (career breaks will not count).
European Fellowship: must not have lived/worked in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.
Global Fellowship: must not have lived/worked in the country of the Outgoing Phase for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.
Please find here a brief about general conditions, elegibility and the 2 types of grants.
About the CiQUS
Starting in 2011, CiQUS address challenges in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, New functional Materials and Synthetic Technologies.
Our 18 research groups obtained an average of 8 MEUR/year (2020-2022) in competitive funds, achieving an average Impact Factor of 8.64 (JCR, 2020-2021).
We have secured 11 ERC projects (including 4 ERC-PoC), as well as successfully supported up to 12 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in recent years.
We welcome Expressions of Interest, and especially encourage women´s applications. To find the Supervisor that match your interests, these are the Research Areas at CiQUS:
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
Functional Materials with Technological Application
Synthetic Technologies for Sustainable Development
Find below some Research Topics proposed by our host supervisors
Expressions of Interest
Send one PDF file to ciqus.jobs [at] usc.es (subject: MSCA-2023), by 1st June 2023, including:
1.- A short CV (max 2 pages), with your ORCID, Scopus or ResearcherID profile.
2.- A Letter of Interest including a summary of your project idea (max. 2 pages).