Pablo del Pino González de la Higuera
Pablo del Pino graduated in Physics from the University of Sevilla (2002), and obtained his PhD (Dr. rer. nat., 2007) from the Technische Universität München (TUM), where he carried out his PhD work in Molecular Biophysics under the guidance of Prof. Fritz G. Parak. He has held postdoc positions in the group of Prof. Wolfgang J. Parak (Center of Nanoscience at Ludwig-Maximilian Universität LMU München, 2007-2009; AG Biophotonik at Philipp-Universität Marburg, 2012 y 2016) and the group of Dr. Jesús M. de la Fuente (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón INA, 2009-2012).
After his postdoctoral stage, he has been ARAID (INA, 2013) researcher and has been in charge (together with Prof. W. J. Parak) of the Bioengineered Particles laboratory (CIC biomaGUNE, 2013-2015). In 2016 he moved to the USC as “Ramon y Cajal” researcher (call 2014) associated to the Condensed Matter Physics Department and CIQUS, where he leads the group BioNanoTools. In 2021 he was promoted to Associate Professor.
Our research is focused on the development of materials for applications in biology and medicine. We design, synthesize and customize nano- and micro-materials with applications in therapy, imaging and biosensing. We are working at the interface of materials science, biology and medicine with the goal of producing next generation “smart” materials, having enhanced multifunctional capabilities.