Campus Vida's Singular Research Centers Network at the University of Santiago de Compostela offers 3 postdoctoral contracts for 2 years.
The main research areas at the CiQUS are Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials, including Nanobiomaterials, Synthetic Methodology, Structural Chemistry and Computational Chemistry. Please check the Eligible research lines at CiQUS.
There are also eligible research lines at CiMUS (Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases) and CiTIUS (Information Technology).
Employment contract for a period of 2 years with a gross salary around 30.000 €/year, according to candidate’s qualification and experience. It includes medical care coverage and work accident insurance through the Spanish Health Care System, providing access to the Spanish public health care system also for his/her family, pension and unemployment benefits. Travel allowance of 1.100 €/year.
The candidate will join the selected research group (see Research Area Openings), under the supervision and mentoring of the corresponding group leader(s), to develop an individual project (a brief research proposal must be included) in a stimulating scientific environment, having access to state-of-the-art research facilities and a number of training and career development opportunities.
We seek outstanding and highly motivated candidates, with initiative, creativity and team-working ability, including working in interdisciplinary research groups.
Candidates must hold a PhD and at least one year of postdoctoral experience. Applicants must not have carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years (before starting the contract). Candidates who have performed the PhD thesis at the University of Santiago de Compostela are not eligible.
A detailed CV, including personal contact information, education, list of publications and any other relevant information (projects, awards...).
A motivation letter (max. 2 pages) outlining: (1) research background, work experience and (2) a brief research proposal. Please check carefully the Call for more information.
Candidates must select one of the eligible research lines and they can contact the prospective group leaders for guidance (in order to write the brief research proposal).
At least two reference letters.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to centros.singulares [at] (subject: POSTDOC-) indicating in the subject one of the following options: POSTDOC-CIMUS or POSTDOC-CIQUS or POSTDOC-CITIUS.
Closing date for applications: August 31th, 2016, at 23h59 CET (UCT + 02:00).
Contact information: centros.singulares [at] (subject: POSTDOC-)