Call for the submission of Expressions of Interest to become a PI at CiQUS



The CiQUS Governing Committee has approved the opening of a new Call for the submission of Expressions of Interest to become a Principal Investigators (PIs) at CiQUS.

CiQUS's PIs are key for the external image of the center and for its scientific success, and therefore are subjected to a continuous and rigorous assessment of their scientific outcome, an evaluation that can have consequences on their future adscription to the center.

Thus, this call is aimed to identify and recruit a select group of researchers to be appointed as Principal Investigators (PIs) who will further enhance the center's scientific capabilities.


This call for submission of Expressions of Interest is open to USC faculty, USC Ramón y Cajal researchers and Oportunius researchers with a high-level track record of publications within the main thematic areas of CiQUS and a proven capability to obtain external funding support.

In the case of candidates that are currently associated to a CiQUS research team, the relevant individual contributions that justify his/her application to become a PI should be clearly stated in the Expression of Interest.

With regard to other applicants, it is our priority to recruit new researchers aligned with our strategic plan and with the needs of our research program –currently focused on the development of disruptive molecular materials and chemical technologies with applications in biomedicine or sustainability–, having scientific expertise that complements the current capacities of the center. This alignment/complementarity and the candidate´s previous experience in collaborative research projects within the CiQUS main thematic areas should be highlighted in the application.


- Applications must be submitted electronically through following link:

- The proposal must be completed following the call template (see Annex), written in English and sent as a PDF attachment, which must be uploaded trough the electronic form indicated above.

- The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is October 21, 2024.


The evaluation and selection of candidates will be carried out by the CiQUS External Scientific Advisory Board.

The approval of the appointment as PI of any of the selected candidates by the CiQUS Governing Committee, will be conditioned on signing a formal commitment with the strategic goals and organizational policy of the center.

Official Regulatory Basis: this link