Call for the submission of Expressions of Interest to become Scientific Director at CiQUS


The CiQUS Governing Committee has approved the opening of a Call for the submission of Expressions of Interest to become Scientific Director at CiQUS.

The position of SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR is a fundamental figure in the organizational structure of CiQUS. He/She will be responsible of setting the strategic and research priorities of the center and of managing relationships with regional, national and international institutions, in addition to having other executive decision-making roles –assisted by the Deputy Director– as stated in the CiQUS’ internal regulations.

Thus, this call is aimed to identify a CiQUS Principal Investigator (PI) to be appointed as Scientific Director for the next period.


This call for submission of Expressions of Interest is open to researchers currently appointed as Principal Investigators (PIs) at CiQUS. The person selected must have a profile of high scientific qualification and broad international recognition, with an excellent curriculum vitae and a proven experience in leading research projects and teams.


- Applications must be submitted electronically through following link:

- The application should contain:

• A cover letter outlining the candidate's motivation and his/her vision for the future of the center (max. 2 pages)

• A curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages)

- The deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest is October 23, 2024.


The evaluation and selection of candidates will be addressed by the CiQUS External Scientific Advisory Board.

The CiQUS Governing Committee will approve the appointment of the Scientific Director, upon recommendation of ESAB, for a renewable four-year term, starting in January 2025.


Official Regulatory Basis: this link