The Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) has recently opened the call for applications to the “Axudas para a recualificación do sistema universitario español", addressed to young doctors and international talents. The Centro Singular de Investigación en Química Biolóxica e Materiais Moleculares (CiQUS) at USC is now seeking for outstanding candidates to apply for:
"Axudas Margarita Salas para a formación de novos doutores"
Margarita Salas grants requirements (summary):
- Candidates must have completed their PhD studies at USC in the last 2 years, at the moment of the deadline application.
- Application to join a public university or research centre other than the one where they course their PhD studies.
- The last year of the grant must be spent in a Spanish public university.
"Axudas María Zambrano para a atracción do talento internacional"
María Zambrano grants requirements (summary):
- To hold a doctoral degree (national or international).
- A postdoctoral experience in national or international centres, other than the one where the PhD was obtained, for at least 24 months at the deadline date.
- Candidates must be hired by a foreign research institution at the application time.
Application must be submitted electronically via the USC website.
Please check the conditions and full details of the call in the following link:
Deadline for applications: 13 August, 2021
About CiQUS
CiQUS it is focused towards the application of transdisciplinary strategies to address scientific challenges from biomedicine and health, to the development of innovative and sustainable synthetic technologies or the discovery of new functional molecular materials.
Please, check out our research groups and scientific staff.
If you are interested in applying for Margarita Salas or María Zambrano grants, please select the appropriate CiQUS research group and directly contact the Principal Investigator before August 06, 2021.