We are seeking an enthusiastic, proactive and independent researcher with experience in catalysis and organic synthesis.
The research will be performed in a project that combines homogeneous catalysis and the synthesis of graphene nanostructures, in the framework of the ERC Synergy Grant MolDAM (Molecular Devices by Atom Manipulation).
Research topic: Combining homogeneous catalysis with the synthesis and applications of large aromatic molecules and nanographenes
Research Center: CIQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Supervisor: Prof. Diego Peña
Starting date:
Experience in catalysis and organic synthesis.
Further information:
Please send a cover letter and a brief CV (maximum 2 pages, including contact person(s) that might provide a recommendation letter) to diego.pena [at] usc.es with the subject “Postdoc position”.
2nd December 2022