We are seeking a talented young PhD student in organic synthesis and photochemistry (supervisor: Dr. Manuel Nappi).
Research topic: synthetic methods promoted by visible light.
Research Center: CiQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Research Supervisor: Dr. Manuel Nappi.
Starting Date: October 2021
Bachelor degree in Chemistry, academic rank higher than 7.5 (over 10).
Master of Chemistry (organic synthesis), academic rank higher than 7.5 (over 10).
We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.
Previous experience of research activities in organic synthesis and photochemistry will be highly considered.
Further information: https://nappichem.com/
Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages, including referees for recommendation letters) and a cover letter to manuel.nappi [at] usc.es indicating in the subject “PhD position”.
Deadline: August 15th, 2021