Predoctoral vacancy (Supervisor: Dr. Manuel Nappi)


We are seeking a talented young PhD student in organic synthesis and photochemistry (supervisor: Dr. Manuel Nappi).


Research topic: synthetic methods promoted by visible light.
Research Center: CiQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Research Supervisor: Dr. Manuel Nappi.

Starting Date: October 2021


  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry, academic rank higher than 7.5 (over 10).
  • Master of Chemistry (organic synthesis), academic rank higher than 7.5 (over 10).
  • We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.
  • Previous experience of research activities in organic synthesis and photochemistry will be highly considered.

Further information:

Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages, including referees for recommendation letters) and a cover letter to manuel.nappi [at] indicating in the subject “PhD position”.

Deadline: August 15th, 2021