Pre-doctoral Position Chemistry - Materials Science. European Project NanoRestART


Our group is seeking a talented young chemist or material scientist to join a team working in a prestigious project funded by the European Commission.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn and work in a challenging and cutting-edge research environment.



Research topic: “SERS-active substrates for the detection of art materials and degradation products”.  (Materials Today, 2014, 17, 358)

Project Title: “NanoRestART: NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART” (Prof. Massimo Lazzari).

Research Center: CIQUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Research Group: Fun-Nanotech, Prof. Massimo Lazzari.

Starting Date and Term:  August 2015, 3 years contract (annual evaluation).



  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry, Materials Science.

  • Be accepted in the Master of Chemistry or in some PhD Programs at the USC at the time of the signature of the pre-doctoral contract.

  • We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team-working ability.

  • Previous experience in research activities in material science, chemistry, and optics as well as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spectroscopy and nanoimprint lithography will be highly considered.

  • The name and email of two contacting professors or researchers that know the candidate should be provided.

Applications: Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) by e-mail to massimo.lazzari [at], indicating in the subject NANORESTART (646063).



July 30th, 2015