Predoctoral Vacancy at Granja / Montenegro Group (Supervisors: Javier Montenegro and Rebeca García-Fandiño)



The Group of Dr. Javier Montenegro and Dr Rebeca García-Fandiño is seeking for a Doctoral candidate with strong interest in the field of computational Molecular Dynamics simulations and supramolecular functional assemblies. 


Research topic: Computational Molecular Dynamics simulations and supramolecular functional assemblies.

Research Center: CiQUS (, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Research Supervisors: Javier Montenegro and Rebeca García-Fandiño 


Starting Date and Term: September 2019 (starting date could be flexible). 3 years of contract (annual evaluation).



  • Diploma in Chemistry, Physics or Bioinformatics.

  • Programming experience will be highly considered

  • We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.

  • Good communication skills and proficiency in written and spoken English are essential.



Applications should be sent directly to Dr. Montenegro, javier.montenegro [at] or Dr. Rebeca Garcia-Fandino, rebeca.garcia.fandino [at], including a CV (maximum 2 pages), with undergraduate numeric marks for the different modules and the name and the e-mail of one (or two) contact person(s), indicating in the subject Computational Predoc.


Deadline: June 30th, 2019.