Predoctoral vacancy at MetBioCat Group (Supervisors: José Luis Mascareñas and Fernando López)



The MetBioCat Group is seeking a talented young PhD student in transition metal catalysis.


Research topic: Unconventional synthetic methods based on metal catalysis. Enantioselective developments and access to bioactive molecules

Research Center: CiQUS (, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Research Group: MetBioCat 


Starting Date and Term: Between May and September, 2019. 1 year contract that can be extended.



  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry, and academic rank higher than 7.5 (over 10).

  • Master of Chemistry (organic synthesis or computational chemistry) already completed or to be completed during the current semester.

  • We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team‐working ability.

  • Previous experience in research activities in organic synthesis, metal catalysis, organometallic chemistry and/or computational chemistry will be highly considered.

  • The name and email of a contacting professor or researcher that know the candidate should be provided.


Further information:



Send a brief CV (maximum 2 pages), a list of qualification marks, and names of some professors that might write a reference letter (they will be required for preselected candidates) to fernando.lopez [at] (subject: Predoc%20position%20%40metbiocat) and joseluis.mascarenas [at] (subject: Predoc%20position%20%40metbiocat) indicating in the subject “Predoc position @metbiocat”.


Deadline: April 30th, 2019.