HFSP fully-funded 4-year PhD Position in Supramolecular Chemical Biology and Synthetic Biology (New deadline: October 10th)



DEADLINE EXTENDED: October 10th, 2017.


The group of Dr. Javier Montenegro is seeking for a PhD Candidate with strong interest in Supramolecular Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Synthetic Biology. This is an excellent opportunity to join a Human Frontiers Project, a cutting-edge research aimed towards the fabrication of a minimal cell and a synthetic cytoskeleton. See Group Website.

The general aim of the project is to prepare and study peptides and other molecules that self-assemble into tubular and fibril networks in the “out of the equilibrium” regime.


The applicant will be involved in the preparation of the cytoskeleton of a minimal cell mimic. The research will involve the synthesis of self-assembling peptide building blocks and the biophysical characterization of the resulting ensembles. This project is part of an international project towards a fully synthetic cytoskeleton with self-regulating capabilities. The research groups involved are top-level scientists of the United States (Neal Devaraj) and Japan (Toshihide Takeuchi).


We seek outstanding individuals with initiative, creativity and team-working ability and with a Master degree in Chemistry, Biophysics, Synthetic Biology, Chemical Biology, Biochemistry or Molecular Biology.

Experience in peptide chemistry, self-assembly, microfluidics and biophysics will be highly considered.

Good communication skills and proficiency in written and spoken English are essential.



“In situ” Functionalized Polymers for siRNA Delivery”, Priegue, J. M.; Crisan, D. N.; Martínez-Costas, J;  Granja, J. R.; Fernandez-Trillo, F.; Montenegro, J. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7492-7495.

Cellular Uptake: Lessons from Supramolecular Organic Chemistry”, G. Gasparini, E.-K. Bang, J, Montenegro and S. Matile, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 10389-10402.

“Montenegro, J., Vázquez-Vázquez, C., Kalinin, A., Geckeler, K. E., & Granja, J. R. Coupling of carbon and Peptide nanotubes. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 2484–2491.

Research Center: CiQUS (www.usc.es/ciqus/en), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Starting Date and Term: September 2017 (starting date could be flexible). 4 years of contract (annual evaluation).
Deadline: October 10th, 2017.

Applications: All the application procedure will be done online. Applicants must fill out the form, attach the required documents and the contact references. This call is also available here in pdf format.